Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day 40- Almost There

After a few more hours of work this morning, I was able to hand in my completed final project for my spanish literature class.  Yay, go me, and all that stuff.  I met up with some of my friends from spanish class for a very enjoyable lunch.  And then I got out of class early. :)  I also paid for my transportation to the airport on Saturday.... 4 am is the time that they are going to be picking me up.  Ugh, not looking forward to that.  Anyhoo, I am essentially done with class, although I do have to go tomorrow to get my final grade and do some finishing up type stuff.  I now have basically 2 days left in Costa Rica to enjoy as much as I can.  But all the responsibilities I have back in the states are starting to creep up on me again.  I also started repacking today.  I hate packing.  Above all other things, I hate packing.  But it is a necessary evil, I suppose.  We are going to go out tonight (big surprise I know) and enjoy the night life for possibly the last time together.  One of my roomies, we shall call her Tico Magnet, is going back to Jáco for the rest of the time here.  Which is only about a day and a half.  Bittersweet feelings.  Tomorrow, I am going to go back to the Artisans Market for the third and final time.  And I must say, if I haven't been able to find something for you by then, you are not going to be getting anything.  But for now, good night, and I will see you all in a few days. :D

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