I definitely pissed off the sun god this weekend because today my whole body, save a few spots, is lobster red. One of these days I am sure that I will remember to reapply sunblock, but yesterday was not one of those days. So this morning, I gingerly rolled out of bed and made my way up to shower (I got to sleep in today!....well until 8), and I scared the crap out of myself when I looked in the mirror. I really hope that the redness tones down a bit through the day.
I spent the morning reading the 30 pages for my literature class that conveniently did not make it to the beach with me this weekend. I just didn't want to get sand in it, I swear. I finally got to do something sort of productive when I had class at 3. In which our teacher gave us our final project, which will be the second grade of the class. And it is due Wednesday. Gotta love tico time. So after I finish this, I have to start working on that project. Riiiigggghhhhttt :) It is Monday night, and Monday nights = Cuartel nights. Gotta go get a groove on one last time before I have to leave Costa Rica. I will keep you posted :D
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