Sunday, August 5, 2012

Day 36- Weekend Getaway

For any of you who ever decide to travel to Costa Rica, I offer you one word of caution;  There are two Playa Hermosas within this country.  Not only that, they are on the same coast- one is near Jaco and one is in Guanacaste.  Which is a fact that I was aware of, and that I had taken into consideration when trying to find a hotel for today.  Too bad the website for the hotel was under Jaco when it was in fact in Guanacaste.  This was discovered this afternoon, after a cab driver took us on a $16 (super duper expensive here) journey looking for a place that was actually miles away.  It is also sad that I had already paid for the other motel and would not be getting that $70 back.  Pura vida and all that jazz, short story is that we found a room at the correct Playa Hermosa.  We got some beach time in this afternoon, up until the waves tried to pull me out to ocean, which was much, much scarier that bungee jumping.  So we played it safe for the rest of the afternoon by swimming in the pool.  For supper, we went to a small supermarket and got stuff to make PB&J.  Don't judge us, it has been weeks since any of us had had peanut butter.  After teaching one of the roomies how to play poker, we all called it a night.  I know, a real wild evening, but we were all really, really tired.

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