Sunday, August 5, 2012

Day 37- Just a Little Beach Time

This time next week, I will be back in the good life of Nebraska.  I will have probably just spent the entire day sleeping in my own bed and hopefully getting to see everyone that I have been apart from for the majority of the summer.  Oh, and cuddling the heck out of my cat whether she wants it or not.  But I will be leaving behind so much, which to be honest, for the first two weeks I would have been glad to leave.  For instance, it will no longer be possible to get on a bus for a 1.5 hour ride, and be at the beach for the weekend.  Nor will I be able to look up and see the mountains in the distance.  Or have the oddest conversations with my tica family in Spanish.  I told you that sitting and listening to the ocean makes me think big thoughts.  Must be why I am so introspective while writing this tonight.

We had a great weekend at the beach, although you would think that after 22 years of life I could remember to reapply sun block after swimming.  Sadly I did not and now I look like a lobster.  I am sure that it will transition into a great tan, but for now, I am my own personal heat lamp.  I have class once again tomorrow, but it is only my literature class.  Which means I don't have to go to class until 3!  I am very excited to be sleeping in a bit.  See everyone in a week!

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