Friday, August 3, 2012

Day 33- Inversion

This morning was my final oral presentation for my advanced class.  I guess it went well, but we will have to wait and see.  But, only one more day of advanced, gracias a dios.  Finally I will have the chance to sleep in a bit, although whether or not I will be able to is debatable.  Tonight may get a little crazy because it is the last night in Costa Rica for mi compañera, which is making me very, very sad.  I have made so many of my memories here with her and it is breaking my heart that she has to leave early.  But as this trip has taught me, I will enjoy every last minute that she is here, and make even more memories.  We are also planning on cooking for the family tomorrow night and playing some games with them.  Well, I am going to cook and the roomies have volunteered to be helpers :).  My time here continues to get shorter and the surrealism is setting in again.  This isn't real life.  Well it is, but it can't be my normal everyday life for much longer.  Soon I have to leave and go back to my real life, which I am both looking forward to and dreading to no end.  It is a unique feeling that unless you have experienced it for yourself, I don't really think that I can explain it.

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