Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 31- 2 Week Notice

Monday's suck no matter where in the world you are.  There is just something about the start of a new week that, while it should have so much promise and should be thrilling because you never know what is going to happen, just makes you want to pull the covers back over your head and go to sleep.  This is nothing other than my loathing of Mondays talking.  Today was also a difficult day, due to the fact that all the teachers just seemed to realize that we are only going to be in their clutches for a few short days more.  So tonight, directly before righting this, I wrote two pages of composition, a poem,  a paper for my literature class, and read 10 pages of Don Quijote.  Sounds fun huh?  I really want to enjoy my last weeks here, and hopefully I will get to do just that when I only have my literature class left.
Of course Monday nights= Quartel nights, which in turn equal no sleep.  Dance now, sleep later has become my new motto :). Besides, I deserve some fun after all that homework.  Even if that fun is going to make tomorrow morning come way too soon. :D

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