Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Day 25- Going a Bit Crazy

Dancing at Quartel until 1:30 am is fun.  8 am class the morning after doing that is not so much fun.  However, almost all of my advanced class went out, so it was pretty comical to see all of us dragging the next morning.  Our profesora got a good chuckle out of it.  And it was pretty funny :)
After the exciting weekend I had of thrill seeking, I decided on the way back from Monteverde that I wanted to kick it up a notch, and I signed up for bungee jumping.  But yesterday, it didn't look like there were going to be enough people interested in going.  Today, I was told that they were not going to put a minimum requirement on the participation for the outing.  I paid for the excursion, and tomorrow I am going to jump off a perfectly good bridge.  Just the thought is putting butterflies in my stomach, but I am determined to make it happen.
Since we don't have class tomorrow, we went out again tonight. (Although I am sure that not having class really didn't have that much to do with it. )  There was a girl at the bar who had had a kitten follow her, and she was trying to figure out what to do with him.  My sister tica has been saying that she really wants a cat.  So the little scamp came home with me.  He is making a nuisance of himself as I am trying to write this, so I will let you know more about him tomorrow.  Oh and my experience with bungee jumping.  Well, hopefully :)

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