Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Day 12- Spanglish

During orientation, we were greeted by a professor who had been teaching exchange students at Veritas for the past 20 years.  He said that it was always funny when students, while learning Spanish, suddenly lost their ability to speak all together, in both their native language and Spanish.  So after six hours of intensive Spanish today, the entirety of those reading this should be impressed that I can still comprehend anything at all.  Combine those hours of studying with reading El Canter de Mio Cid, a medieval text from around 1140,  in a form that has quite a bit of Ye Olde Español, and my brain is complete mush.  Like put in a blender and hit frappé mush.
However, today was a better day overall.  After a few pointed emails, I was able to be reimbursed for my plane ticket, and my elective class had one other student enrolled and it was moved to an earlier time in the day so it is still a go.  And it was my baby brother's birthday.  Which I am slightly sad that I had to miss this year.  But not to work lil' bro, you will be getting something very cool from CR.
Tomorrow is a normal school day with the exception of their being a barbque after classes, the first social of the year.  And this weekend, we are headed for the rainforest, so get excited for some great pictures! :)  Now, hopefully I can get some rest so in tomorrow's classes I am able to speak.

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